2:28 PM Why Self Storage: 3 Ways to Unclutter Your Home

Monday 1 February 2016

3 Ways to Unclutter Your Home

It seems as though the older people get, the more they tend to accumulate. Many times that accumulation can often turn into clutter, especially if not tended to on a regular basis. Every year, people dedicate themselves to getting rid of the old in order to make room for the new. If this sounds like you, you may want consider these three ways to unclutter your home.

Take Small Timed Steps, Then Stop

There are two different ways to follow this solution. First, you can make a list of all the different areas in your home that you have to declutter. Then, one by one, you can tackle a specific area. The second way you can handle this task is to give yourself a set amount of time per day to declutter. With either method, the key is to stay focused and not let the distraction of rediscovering miscellaneous items get in the way of your cleaning mission. This leads to the second way to handle the decluttering process.

Prioritize Your Piles

When getting rid of clutter, create separate piles for the items you wish to keep, those you wish to donate, and those you wish to discard. You should even divide your keep piles into two sections: the piles you can immediately put away and those that not in their proper place at the moment. Again, the goal is keep yourself from being sidetracked away from the goal of uncluttering your space. Using this method can work for all types of items, whether clothing, office items or paper.

Purge Yourself of the Paper

Paper is one of the easiest items to accumulate in the home. This paper often comes in many forms: bills and monthly statements; class or work papers; and contracts and tax returns.  Regardless of what kind of paper it is, it poses not only a threat to organizing your home, but can also pose as a potential fire hazard. Get rid of unnecessary papers. The only papers it is recommended to keep are tax returns. For bills and monthly statements, almost all have online versions and payment history, so you only need to keep the paper versions until you verify the statements. In fact, paperless billing for most expenses is an option. For other important receipts and contracts, consider scanning them into electronic files.

These three ways to unclutter your home can help you free up more space, making your home look more spacious.  For more information about self storage units in San Marcos, visit here.

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